Durham Chimney Cleaning
Keeping your chimney clean can result in a safer home. Burning fires lead to creosote build-up. This concentration can increase the chance of chimney fires and lead to higher concentrations of air pollution. A regular cleaning from our experience chimney sweeps will prevent these negative effects.
Every chimney is different and finding a chimney service that can provide a top quality job on every chimney is difficult. Nexus Chimney has the tools and the experience to operate on any chimney type or model. Our standard cleaning includes state of the art video technology that will give us a detailed inspection for the inside of your chimney. This enables us to perform an in-depth and accurate cleaning. We will use chimney brushes, hand brushes, and special rods.
Our Expert Chimney Team Would Be Happy Clean your Chimney in Durham
The Nexus Chimney Services professionals in Durham NC will make sure that your chimney cleaning needs are met and that the job is well done. Contact us today to learn more about our cleaning services and specials.