Top Home Repair Jobs You Should Never DIY | Apex Chimney Services

March 15, 2020
Chimney Repair in Apex NC Completed by Our Professionals Determined weekend warriors may be inclined to tackle any home repair job that comes their way in order to save money and learn a new skill in the process. However, there are some home repair jobs that just aren’t worth the...
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Dirty Chimney? Watch Out for These Common Health Hazards 

October 15, 2019
Your fireplace does wonders to keep you nice and toasty in the dead of winter. Unfortunately, the same fireplace that can be a lifesaver can also negatively impact your health if it becomes dirty. Carbon monoxide poisoning, respiratory problems, eye and skin irritation, and animal-transmitted diseases can all result from...
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What is Creosote, and Why is it So Dangerous? Ask an Apex Chimney Company

August 6, 2019
Longtime readers might have noticed that we discuss creosote—an oily, black substance the builds up inside chimneys—fairly often. But what, exactly, makes creosote so dangerous? In today’s Apex chimney company blog, we discuss why creosote is far from a fire hazard or a cause of a nasty smell (all though...
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