How to Close Out Your Fireplace for Spring & Summer
April 15, 2020
Apex Chimney Inspection Team Shares Tips & Advice for Year Round Fireplace Maintenance With the days getting warmer and longer, it’s time to think about closing down your fireplace for the summer season, when it’s likely to see very little use. Keep reading to learn how to close your chimney...
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Chimney Anatomy 101: Knowing Your Chimney from Top to Bottom
January 28, 2020
A chimney might look pretty simple from the outside, but it’s actually a very complex system of internal and external components. While there’s no sense in becoming a chimney expert—(that’s our job!)—being able to identify the basic parts of your chimney can help us troubleshoot a potential issue over the...
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How to Choose the Best Firewood for Your Apex Chimney
January 21, 2020
Firewood might look pretty similar from one batch to the next, but different types of wood burn very differently. Not all firewood produces the same results, even if it’s properly seasoned. You may be looking for firewood that crackles nicely; wood that burns efficiently without creating excessive heat; or wood...
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Watch Out for These Common Chimney Safety Issues in Old Houses
January 14, 2020
If you own (or are about to own) a house that’s more than 30 years old, take a good look at the chimney. While newer homes are likely to be built in compliance with modern safety codes, older homes are often built to older standards, and therefore are at high...
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Don’t Get Burned — 4 Tips for Hiring an Apex Chimney Sweep
December 31, 2019
There are many places where you can, and should, cut corners when planning your annual budget. Chimney inspections are not one of them. Despite their simple-seeming outer appearance, chimneys are actually very complex, and hiring a chimney sweep who doesn’t know what he or she is doing can have devastating...
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Top People Who Have Gotten Stuck in a Chimney This Season
December 17, 2019
Ah, Christmas. ‘Tis the season for twinkling lights, mugs of eggnog, and news stories of people getting stuck in their chimneys. While some of these chimney victims entered intentionally, and others fell in by accident, they all have one thing in common: they got stuck. Below are some of the...
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Cold Air Coming Through Your Chimney? Learn Why From Our Apex Chimney Sweep
November 26, 2019
If you’ve been noticing a chill in the air, even when a fire is burning full-blaze in the fireplace, there is most likely a downdraft of cool air entering your home through the chimney. Fortunately, this is a common problem and one that’s usually fairly easy to solve. Keep reading...
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Fireplace Safety Tips for Kids from Our Apex Chimney Inspection Company
October 22, 2019
Now that the weather is becoming chilly, more and more families are opening up their chimneys for the season—which also means a higher risk for fire-related accidents. Below are some simple tips to keep your children safe around your fireplace. Install Heat-Resistant Glass Doors If you have a wood-burning fireplace,...
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Dirty Chimney? Watch Out for These Common Health Hazards
October 15, 2019
Your fireplace does wonders to keep you nice and toasty in the dead of winter. Unfortunately, the same fireplace that can be a lifesaver can also negatively impact your health if it becomes dirty. Carbon monoxide poisoning, respiratory problems, eye and skin irritation, and animal-transmitted diseases can all result from...
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How Water Can Ruin Your Masonry Chimney | Nexus Chimney Services
September 16, 2019
Chimneys typically tend to receive neither the attention nor the concern usually afforded to other household systems. However, chimneys are far from empty black columns; their simple appearance disguises an intricate mechanism capable of multiple, complex functions. When considering the rest of your home maintenance jobs, it’s important to consider...
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When Should I Remove My Fireplace Ashes? | Apex Chimney Services
August 20, 2019
Any homeowner with a wood-burning stove or fireplace will eventually be faced with the problem of ash buildup. In today’s post, our Apex chimney contractor will discuss when ashes are actually beneficial, and when they should be removed. Why You Shouldn’t Clean Your Fireplace Ashes Every Day A little...
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Why Does My Chimney Smell Bad in the Summer? Apex Chimney Services
July 2, 2019
You may have noticed an acrid, burning smell coming from your fireplace that seems to get worse as the summer goes on. In today’s post our Apex chimney contractor will explain why the worst fireplace smells happen in the summer, and what you can do about it. Why Your Fireplace...
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Common Safety Issues Found in Old Chimneys | Apex Chimneys
June 25, 2019
If you own, or are about to own, an older house, you’ll want to take a good look at the chimney. While newer homes are likely to be built in compliance with modern codes and material requirements, older homes were probably built to older standards and tend to have more...
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The Strange History of Chimney Sweeping | Nexus Chimney Services
June 18, 2019
These days, most peoples’ idea of a chimney sweep probably comes from the Mary Poppins movie, wherein a sweep named Bert sings cheerfully about the lucky life he leads. Sadly, though, the true history of chimney sweeping is far different than the Disney portrayal. For centuries, chimney sweeping was not...
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There’s a Squirrel in my Chimney! What to Do
June 4, 2019
Ah, spring. The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, and the squirrels…are hopefully in the trees, and not in your chimney. Unfortunately, ‘tis the season to find something small and fluffy (or feathery) hanging out in your chimney flue, and the season where we spend the most time fishing...
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