Our Apex Chimney Inspection Company Explains How to Stop Chimney Swifts
May 15, 2020
Local Chimney Inspection & Repair Professionals Lead the Way While many types of birds have been known to nest in chimneys, the worst offender is doubtlessly the chimney swift. These deceptively harmless-looking little birds can occupy chimneys in the hundreds or thousands, causing a fire and sanitation hazard for homeowners....
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Does My Fireplace Really Need Maintenance?
February 10, 2019
Do Fireplaces Really Need Maintenance? “Fireplaces are maintenance free!” This is a very common misunderstandings about fireplaces that homeowners have. Your fireplace is not invincible, and should be inspected annually to ensure that your structure is free of damage. Having your fireplace cleaned and inspected, not only prevents smells from...
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Ways to Minimize Creosote Build-Up
January 6, 2019
Creosote is a natural by-product of burning wood that originates from condensed wood smoke. Because of this any wood burning fireplace will eventually have a buildup of creosote in there chimney. While creosote is unavoidable, there are several ways to slow and reduce buildup as quickly. Making sure your burning...
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3 Things Responsible Wood-Burning Fireplace Owners Do
December 21, 2018
Owning a wood burning fireplace is a nice decorative piece for any home and can also provide some much-needed warmth during the winter months. Owning a fireplace is a responsibility however and should be treated with care. A fireplace that receives no care can be a hazard but there are...
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The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide
September 7, 2018
What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon Monoxide is an odorless colorless gas, that is produced any time you burn fuel and can be fatal to anyone who breaths in too much of it. Over 500 people die from CO poisoning each year and thousands of other require medical attention because of...
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