Brief Overview of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 211 Standards

February 1, 2024
The NFPA 211 is the National Fire Protection Association’s standard for chimneys, fireplaces, vents, and solid fuel-burning appliances. This comprehensive document provides guidelines to ensure the safety and proper functioning of these systems. Here’s a brief summary of each section of the current NFPA 211 standards: General Requirements This section...
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Top Home Repair Jobs You Should Never DIY | Apex Chimney Services

March 15, 2020
Chimney Repair in Apex NC Completed by Our Professionals Determined weekend warriors may be inclined to tackle any home repair job that comes their way in order to save money and learn a new skill in the process. However, there are some home repair jobs that just aren’t worth the...
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How to Choose the Best Firewood for Your Apex Chimney

January 21, 2020
Firewood might look pretty similar from one batch to the next, but different types of wood burn very differently. Not all firewood produces the same results, even if it’s properly seasoned.  You may be looking for firewood that crackles nicely; wood that burns efficiently without creating excessive heat; or wood...
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Top Signs You May Need a Cary Chimney Inspection

January 7, 2020
Top Signs You May Need a Cary Chimney Inspection If you have a chimney which you use regularly throughout the fall and winter, it’s essential to have your it inspected and cleaned at least once a year. Buildup of soot and debris, as well as other problems, can present a...
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Don’t Get Burned — 4 Tips for Hiring an Apex Chimney Sweep

December 31, 2019
There are many places where you can, and should, cut corners when planning your annual budget. Chimney inspections are not one of them. Despite their simple-seeming outer appearance, chimneys are actually very complex, and hiring a chimney sweep who doesn’t know what he or she is doing can have devastating...
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Why Anyone (Besides Santa) Would Have Trouble Entering a House Through the Chimney

December 24, 2019
Maybe you’ve read our articles about people getting stuck in chimneys this season, or maybe you’re just wondering how the man in the big red suit does it. Or, maybe you’re nervous about a would-be burglar entering your home via chimney. Not to worry: in today’s post, our Cary chimney...
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Top People Who Have Gotten Stuck in a Chimney This Season

December 17, 2019
Ah, Christmas. ‘Tis the season for twinkling lights, mugs of eggnog, and news stories of people getting stuck in their chimneys. While some of these chimney victims entered intentionally, and others fell in by accident, they all have one thing in common: they got stuck. Below are some of the...
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The Incredible Reddit Carbon Monoxide Story, as Told by Our Apex Chimney Contractor 

December 10, 2019
As a chimney inspection and repair company, we spend a significant amount of time educating our clients on the dangers of carbon monoxide, a deadly substance which can be produced if a chimney system is broken or poorly ventilated. For today’s post, we thought we’d have some fun and share...
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Fireplace Safety Tips for Kids from Our Apex Chimney Inspection Company

October 22, 2019
Now that the weather is becoming chilly, more and more families are opening up their chimneys for the season—which also means a higher risk for fire-related accidents. Below are some simple tips to keep your children safe around your fireplace. Install Heat-Resistant Glass Doors If you have a wood-burning fireplace,...
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How to Prepare Your Chimney for Fall with Nexus Chimney Services

October 2, 2019
How to Prepare Your Chimney for Fall with Nexus Chimney Services As hot as the beginning of the month seems to have been, the chilly temperatures will arrive before you know it. Before they do, it’s a good idea to ensure your chimney is safe to use in the season...
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Bees in Your Chimney: Do’s and Don’ts | Nexus Chimney Services

September 9, 2019
Bee-lieve it or not, late summer and early fall are prime time for bee activity. The shortening days and dropping temperature send a signal to these buzzy critters that it’s time to collect as much food as possible and find a cozy place to hunker down for the winter. Unfortunately,...
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Why You Shouldn’t Attempt DIY Chimney Repair | Cary Chimney Repair

August 27, 2019
If your chimney is cracked, crumbling, smelly, or leaning, you might be tempted to tackled the job yourself. However, attempting a chimney cleaning or chimney repair yourself is ineffective at best, and downright dangerous at worst. Here are some reasons why chimney work is best left to the professionals. A...
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3 Common Summer Chimney Problems to Watch Out For

July 16, 2019
Since most of us use our fireplaces in the winter, it would seem like chimney problems just don’t occur in the summer. However, there are some good reasons to schedule a chimney inspection during these hot, humid months. Animals and bugs abound during the summer season, and summer storms can...
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Do I Really Need a Chimney Cap? Ask an Apex Chimney Company

July 9, 2019
Even though a chimney cap is relatively minor installation, many homeowners question whether it is necessary or not. The answer is that this small bit metal protecting your chimney can prevent countless chimney-related mishaps and save you thousands of dollars in unnecessary chimney repairs. So, unless you want headaches down...
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Why Does My Chimney Smell Bad in the Summer? Apex Chimney Services

July 2, 2019
You may have noticed an acrid, burning smell coming from your fireplace that seems to get worse as the summer goes on. In today’s post our Apex chimney contractor will explain why the worst fireplace smells happen in the summer, and what you can do about it. Why Your Fireplace...
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