Brief Overview of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 211 Standards
February 1, 2024
The NFPA 211 is the National Fire Protection Association’s standard for chimneys, fireplaces, vents, and solid fuel-burning appliances. This comprehensive document provides guidelines to ensure the safety and proper functioning of these systems. Here’s a brief summary of each section of the current NFPA 211 standards: General Requirements This section...
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Chimney Anatomy 101: Knowing Your Chimney from Top to Bottom
January 28, 2020
A chimney might look pretty simple from the outside, but it’s actually a very complex system of internal and external components. While there’s no sense in becoming a chimney expert—(that’s our job!)—being able to identify the basic parts of your chimney can help us troubleshoot a potential issue over the...
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Our Apex Chimney Contractor Explains How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
November 19, 2019
Carbon monoxide (CO) claims the lives of more 500 people in the United States every year. Odorless and invisible, it can leak through fireplaces and other fuel-burning appliances, unnoticed until it builds up to deadly amounts. CO is the number one cause of poisoning fatalities in the U.S., and faulty...
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Our Durham Chimney Contractor Explains How to Start a Fire in a Cold Fireplace
November 12, 2019
When the weather outside is frightful, there’s nothing more relaxing than a warm, cozy fire. Unfortunately, sometimes that cold winter air can make it difficult to start that fire. In today’s blog post, our Apex chimney contractors will share some tips on what to do if you’re struggling to get...
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What to Do In the Event of a Chimney Fire From Our Cary Chimney Company
November 5, 2019
Regular chimney inspections, chimney cleanings, and repairs can all prevent chimney fires. However, what with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you might forget to schedule your chimney inspection; and there is always the possibility of an unforeseen accident. Below is more information on recognizing and controlling a chimney...
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How to Prepare Your Chimney for Fall with Nexus Chimney Services
October 2, 2019
How to Prepare Your Chimney for Fall with Nexus Chimney Services As hot as the beginning of the month seems to have been, the chilly temperatures will arrive before you know it. Before they do, it’s a good idea to ensure your chimney is safe to use in the season...
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How Water Can Ruin Your Masonry Chimney | Nexus Chimney Services
September 16, 2019
Chimneys typically tend to receive neither the attention nor the concern usually afforded to other household systems. However, chimneys are far from empty black columns; their simple appearance disguises an intricate mechanism capable of multiple, complex functions. When considering the rest of your home maintenance jobs, it’s important to consider...
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Chimney Caps & Chase Covers: What’s the Difference?
September 2, 2019
At Nexus Chimney Services, we love providing our customers with the best chimney cleaning and chimney repair in Apex. That’s why we offer our clients both steel chimney caps and chase covers to protect your chimneys from weather and other elements. But what are chimney caps and chase covers, and...
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The Strange History of Chimney Sweeping | Nexus Chimney Services
June 18, 2019
These days, most peoples’ idea of a chimney sweep probably comes from the Mary Poppins movie, wherein a sweep named Bert sings cheerfully about the lucky life he leads. Sadly, though, the true history of chimney sweeping is far different than the Disney portrayal. For centuries, chimney sweeping was not...
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How to Stop Chimney Swifts from Invading Your Chimney
April 24, 2019
Now that it’s spring, you’ve probably noticed birds building nests in trees, bushes, empty mailboxes, and pretty much any other spot they can find. One place you really don’t want birds nesting? In your chimney. The very worst offender is probably the chimney swift, who can occupy chimneys in the...
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How to Prevent Chimney Fires with Nexus Chimney Services
April 16, 2019
Every year, there are more than 25,000 chimney fires in the U.S., incurring more than $125 million in property damage. In the most severe cases, chimney fires can destroy entire homes and put lives at risk. Sadly, most of these tragedies are preventable, often resulting from a failure to regularly...
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Top Signs You Need a Raleigh Chimney Inspection
April 12, 2019
If you have a working fireplace in your home, it’s essential to have your chimney inspected and maintained every so often. Even if you only use the fireplace a few times a year, buildup of soot and debris can still present a serious threat to your safety. Below are some...
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How to Close Out Your Fireplace for Spring
March 22, 2019
Spring is around the corner and with it the warm weather. With that comes the end of fireplace season and properly closing your fireplace is an important part of being safe and efficient. A few things you can do each year to close your fireplace are: Cleaning the fireplace, and...
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Does My Fireplace Really Need Maintenance?
February 10, 2019
Do Fireplaces Really Need Maintenance? “Fireplaces are maintenance free!” This is a very common misunderstandings about fireplaces that homeowners have. Your fireplace is not invincible, and should be inspected annually to ensure that your structure is free of damage. Having your fireplace cleaned and inspected, not only prevents smells from...
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The 5 Most Common Chimney Issues
January 13, 2019
This article will help you identify the five most common issues that will occur with ownership of a chimney. If you experience any of these issues, contact your local chimney sweep to help resolve them immediately. Creosote Owning a wood burning fireplace and can be very relaxing and great way...
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