The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon Monoxide is an odorless colorless gas, that is produced any time you burn fuel and can be fatal to anyone who breaths in too much of it. Over 500 people die from CO poisoning each year and thousands of other require medical attention because of it. Making sure you properly use and understand your fireplace is important to making sure you stay safe.
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Symptoms:
Fatigue and chest pain
Impaired vision, trouble concentrating
Headaches, dizziness, nausea, flu like symptoms
If you think you are in risk of being exposed to unsafe levels of carbon monoxide, leave the area immediately.
How Can I Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?
Invest in carbon monoxide detector for each floor of your home. Make sure the detector meets (UL) safety standards. Make sure your chimney and fireplace have been inspected and do not have any excess buildup of creosote. Make sure your chimney is not cracked, has any loose connections, or any rust or water in your chimney, which may be signs your chimney is not functioning properly.
If you think your chimney may show signs of not properly functioning make sure to contact your local chimney professionals as soon as possible. For this reason it is recommended that you have your wood burning fireplace inspected annually to avoid a buildup of creosote. And your gas fireplace inspected annually to make sure your lines are clean and safe. If you wish to schedule a cleaning or inspection this year, feel free to call or use our website to schedule your next appointment.