Our Apex Chimney Contractor Explains How to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
November 19, 2019
Carbon monoxide (CO) claims the lives of more 500 people in the United States every year. Odorless and invisible, it can leak through fireplaces and other fuel-burning appliances, unnoticed until it builds up to deadly amounts. CO is the number one cause of poisoning fatalities in the U.S., and faulty...
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What to Do In the Event of a Chimney Fire From Our Cary Chimney Company
November 5, 2019
Regular chimney inspections, chimney cleanings, and repairs can all prevent chimney fires. However, what with the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you might forget to schedule your chimney inspection; and there is always the possibility of an unforeseen accident. Below is more information on recognizing and controlling a chimney...
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Fireplace Safety Tips for Kids from Our Apex Chimney Inspection Company
October 22, 2019
Now that the weather is becoming chilly, more and more families are opening up their chimneys for the season—which also means a higher risk for fire-related accidents. Below are some simple tips to keep your children safe around your fireplace. Install Heat-Resistant Glass Doors If you have a wood-burning fireplace,...
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