5 Common Factors that Cause Chimney Leaks
In this articles, we’re going to help identify the five most common factors for a leaking chimney. If you know your chimney has any of these symptoms, contact our chimney service company immediately to protect your home.
1. Not Having a Chimney Cap
Having an exposed chimney leaves your flue and entire system very vulnerable to the elements and can be a leading factor in chimney leaks. Along with rain, debris can enter into the chimney and can result in structural faults or a higher risk of chimney fires. Having a chimney cap installed may be one of the top preventative measures for ensuring a safe and efficient chimney system for your home.
2. Break Down of the Mortar or Masonry
Over time the brick work on your chimney can become weathered and will eventually weaken. If protected from moisture, most chimneys should last for over 100 years but the mortar on the masonry lasts significantly less than this. In order to protect the structural integrity of your chimney have it inspected as soon as you can. Rather than be forced to pay for a rebuild, keep your chimney inspected regularly and keep the mortar in prime condition.
3. A Cracked Crown
The cement surface at the top of your chimney is called the crown. The purpose of the chimney crown is to guard your chimney from unwanted moisture that can enter between the flue and the masonry. If water enters into this area, it can lead to leaks and cracking. If these cracks are not addressed and repaired it can expand and lead to a much more severe problem. Ensure that your chimney crown intact and in prime condition.
4. Leaky Top Pan or Chimney Chase
The metal pan that is a part of a chimney chase and usually is not built very strong. Often times, water accumulates on the top causing the metal to wear down and usually rust. This ultimately leads to leaks. If you are anticipating a large amount of precipitation call Nexus Chimney Cleaning today for an inspection and to protect your chimney from potential leaks.
5. Leaky Flashing
The part of the chimney installed where the chimney and rooftop connect is called the flashing. This is one of the first place we check for leaking as it is a top culprit, most times. Flashings are most commonly made with aluminum which often becomes a weak point in the chimney system.
If you are unsure about your chimney and would like to have it inspected call our chimney inspecting service to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping ensure the safety in your home.