Ways to Minimize Creosote Build-Up

January 6, 2019
Creosote is a natural by-product of burning wood that originates from condensed wood smoke. Because of this any wood burning fireplace will eventually have a buildup of creosote in there chimney. While creosote is unavoidable, there are several ways to slow and reduce buildup as quickly. Making sure your burning...
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Why You Should Have a Fire Escape Plan

December 9, 2018
Fire safety is important for you and your family, and even if it never happens. Having the proper plan to keep everyone safe is necessary to being prepared for the worst. By just doing a couple things you can make sure your loved ones are safe. Talk with everyone in...
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What to Expect During Your Fireplace & Chimney Inspection

September 23, 2018
When having your fireplace and chimney inspected annually there are certain things to expect during the process. If a sweep is CSIA certified you can expect quality service each time because the sweep will follow the procedures and codes set forth by the CSIA. During each inspection a sweep will...
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Why Does My Gas Fireplace Have Soot?

August 27, 2018
Having a fireplace in your home is something that most people find cozy. From using it for warmth to just as an ascetic piece, it’s a great addition to any home. Newer homes are typically being installed with gas inserts; these inserts if installed properly are much more practical, since...
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Don’t Forget Your Fireplaces this Summer

August 5, 2018
Just because the warmer weather is on its way doesn’t mean it isn’t the right time for your chimney inspection & cleaning. Just like your other appliances, proper maintenance is important to having a long life with your fireplace. Both gas & wood burning should be cleaned and inspected annually...
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Why Summer is the Best Time to Get Your Chimney Inspected

July 18, 2018
Most people don’t think about their chimneys during the summer months because the last thing on your mind is the harsh cold of winter when the summer breeze is calling your name. There are however advantages to getting your chimney cleaned and inspected during the summer months: Easier scheduling: While...
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Common Chimney Misconceptions As Explained By Our CSIA Chimney Sweep

June 18, 2018
Wood burning fireplaces are outdated and unconventional: While many newer homes are being built with gas fireplaces there are still several advantages to owning a wood burning fireplace or stove. Wood burning typically uses no electricity helping to lower your electric bill for heating as well as being able to...
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Gas Vs. Wood Burning Fireplaces: What Works Best?

June 8, 2018
If you’re thinking about either installing that new fireplace in your home, or maybe you’ve considered the concept of maintaining the old existing wood burning fireplace, there are several options to consider.  What makes each type unique and special to each other is the fact that while both create a...
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The Importance of Waterproofing Your Chimney

May 20, 2018
One of the fastest ways to see your chimney become crippled is to be complacent about water damage. Water damage will destroy the foundation of your chimney system and can lead to dangerous situations for your home. If you suspect a chimney leak or water damage on your system call...
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Chimney Swifts: What Are They & How Can I Remove Them From My Chimney?

May 4, 2018
  What Are Chimney Swifts? Chimney swifts are small birds that often reside inside of chimneys and air shafts. Their natural habitat is a large hollow tree, which they use to nest in the forests of North America that are becoming scarce due to deforesting. Chimney swifts are quite aerial...
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